How Do I Start & Stick to a New Habit?

By Dena Mellick, Coach, Atlanta Women’s Barbell Club

January is almost gone, and studies show most of those attempts at new habits and goals set in the beginning of the month are also likely gone as well. Did they ever even have a chance? 

Research shows goals aren’t likely to go very far without some intention and a plan to set good habits that facilitate those goals. 

It’s important to focus on the process – the how of making something happen over the what. “I’m going to get shredded this year” is a vague goal that’s unlikely to occur. A more positive and specific behavior-focused goal would be, “I’m going to lift weights three times a week by attending my AWBC classes and lifting once a week on my own at 8am Monday/Wednesday/Friday.” 

What happens if you’re having trouble getting motivated to start your new habit? 

7 am rolls around, and your bed is feeling really comfortable. That 8 am lift is looking harder and harder to accomplish. First of all, a process or behavior goal to accomplish your lifting 3x/week would be to start going to bed earlier! But, a good way to get going when you really don’t want to do something is to just commit to 5-10 minutes. Just lift for 5 minutes. Just start walking for 5 minutes. Just run into the store for 5 minutes to find some quick, healthy options. Usually, getting through the start of something hard is all that’s needed to get a bit of motivation going. 

As James Clear, the author of “Atomic Habits” says:

“Just start.

Start slow if you have to. Start small if you have to. Start privately if you have to. 

Just start.”

Technology for all of its negatives, has a lot of positives as well. Harness technology for your benefit when it comes to habit tracking – use a habit tracking app or set a google or calendar reminder – let technology do the work of reminding you of your goal.

What happens when that new habit gets off track?

It’s not if, but when will you make a mistake? When will things get off track? Because life will get in the way. But do you have a plan?

Work got in the way of you attending your AWBC class and your plan to make a healthy meal. Have a backup plan to get your lift in on your own. Have some backup easy options to make a different healthy meal over what you had planned before you throw in the towel and get takeout. 

Another tip: don’t miss twice. 

Say you got takeout, which you know doesn’t align with your healthier food goals. Vow not to let it happen again for the next meal. Have a plan to make sure you have fresh groceries available next time. Don’t let yourself lose momentum twice in a row. 

Habit contracts are also a way to force yourself to be accountable with friends or loved ones. Write out a contract of what happens if you do mess up, and have them sign it. “If I don’t cook 3x in a week, I have to give my friend $100.” Is it Draconian? Perhaps, but sometimes negative reinforcement works better for some people.

Finally, ask for help and community support. Your friends, your colleagues, your AWBC fellow classmates, your coaches. We all love to see a health success story, because it’s motivating for us as well! It’s a tried and true way to make sure those new goals become habits that make it until the next year.

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