What is Atlanta Women’s Barbell Club?
AWBC is an all women’s barbell club created by Alex Beasley, both a lifter and experienced coach on a mission to grow a community of strong women. Our classes are small (4-6 members/class) with a focus education in both technique & lifting in general so you can feel confident to keep lifting forever.
How does it all work?
Your membership begins by setting up an individual assessment session with the coach for the class you have joined. During that session you will get to know your coach and vice versa so we can be in the best position to help you. You'll also begin learning at least two of the main four barbell lifts (squats, press, bench & deadlifts), so be sure to dress for that. We'll teach you what you need to know for class by finding your starting points on each lift.
Once you've finished your individual assessment, you're ready to jump into class! Your workout will be emailed to you the night before through our programming software (True Coach) & you'll have access to it both there & in the app. Once you get to class, you'll pull that up and start warming up based on what's assigned to you. Once it's time for your heaviest sets of the day (your "working sets") the coach for that class will only be coaching you. Your coach will be there to help you out as needed during warm-ups, but generally those are done on your own. You'll get the hang of class usually after your first one!
Do I need to have lifting experience?
Nope! Most of our members have never touched a barbell in their lives, and the club is structured to teach all levels of lifters. All lifters start by learning the 4 main lifts (the squat, bench press, press, and deadlift) during an individual assessment, allowing lifters with training differences to make the most amount of progress possible while remaining on a level playing field.
Why should I get strong?
Getting stronger has a number of health benefits including building stronger tissues that are more resistant to injury, increased bone density, and more freedom to move around and complete everyday tasks like carrying groceries, keeping up with your kids, putting bags in the overhead compartment of an airplane, or climbing stairs. There are also very potent and important psychological benefits of getting stronger as well: increased confidence, discipline, and motivation as well as a powerful way to work on building a healthy body image.
How much does joining a club cost?
Our twice-per-week class option is $240/month and our once-per-week class option is $185/month. There is a one-time individual assessment fee for new clients of $67.50 due at the time of the assessment. We require new clients to join us for 8 weeks at minimum; after that 8 weeks the contract is month-to-month so you can cancel at any time.
How can I join?
We are currently running on a waitlist, but if you are interested in joining, please click here to fill out the waitlist application. Our team will contact you to let you know we have recieved your submission & we'll keep you updated on class openings as they arise.
What will I learn?
Our primary goal at AWBC - aside from building general strength - is to teach you what you need to know to incorporate lifting on your own. We don't expect that you'll stay with us forever, but we do hope you'll keep lifting forever so we want to provide you the tools to feel confident in doing that whatever the circumstances. Because self-sufficiency is one of our primary goals, there is a big self-sufficiency component to this class. You will find that although you get detailed instruction from your coach and we don't throw you off the deep end at first, there is a great deal you'll find yourself doing on your own. This includes anything from bar math & setting up your own equipment to developing your own warm-ups & class flow. That may seem overwhelming now, but don't worry! We'll teach you & we promise: you can do it. Our favorite thing to hear is that a client would feel fairly comfortable lifting in any gym with or without us.
What type of clients are the best fit?
The clients who are most successful with us are excited to learn more about lifting, are goal-oriented, consistent, and know that challenges mean growth. There's always room to grow with us so if that doesn't describe you YET but you want to work toward it, we have had a lot of clients grow to become these things throughout their time with us.
While we want to spread strength training to as many people as possible, it honors our mission to acknowledge we may not be the right fit for you. We are highly invested in your success, so this class represents a real time & energy commitment and by joining us, that's our expectation. Clients who aren't as successful with us tend to be those with unpredictable schedules that often interfere with class, clients who are already engaged in other rigorous physical activities, and clients who are more hesitant to try new things & may need more individual attention. We are working on offering short-term lifting camps to accommodate populations that are looking to dip into lifting more casually, so if that's you: stay tuned!
Do I need equipment?
You don't need any equipment to join us initially. We prefer that you wear flat shoes if you don't have specialized lifting shoes (Converse, Vans, etc). You don't need them to start, however we recommend investing in a pair of lifting shoes and a belt if you plan to make strength training a part of your future. More information about equipment is available to members upon joining, including recommendations and options for all types of budgets.
When does the club meet?
We have several options available to fit your schedule & they often change to accommodate clientele. Check our schedule page for more info!
Where does the club meet?
The ATL Women's Barbell Club meets inside of Atlanta Barbell in Decatur, GA.