March 2025 Programming
Back to volume blocks!
Please Note: Your programming may not resemble this post if you have recently joined, are starting back after a break, are doing bodyweight/DB programming for the week, or need an individual adjustment for another reason. You will be moved into “regular” class programming when deemed appropriate by your coach!
We are back to “regular” training with our 1RM tests behind us! March will be higher volume & more accessory focused as a result. We are only going to squat, bench, & deadlift (+press, for those who train 3x/week) once per week as opposed to inside every training session. This “one lift a day” format means that we’ll spend at least half of your workouts on other stuff. This is both a good break from the (sometimes) monotony of barbell training, but it also introduces an important break for your body after working hard toward a max lift. We will need to focus on loading your accessory movements this block so they are appropriately challenging. Just because it’s an accessory doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be working hard! It’ll be a different kind of “working hard” compared with your barbell lifts, but the more you push your accessories, the more you get out of them.
You’re also going to be seeing some higher rep counts (sets of 10, to be exact). You will have a provided percentage range, but remember that it’s not an exact science & you should abide by the prescribed RPE no matter what! Use the percentage guides to give you a target, then make adjustments as you are warming up based on how light or heavy things are feeling. Make sure you record all your weights in True Coach - you’ll want this data week to week so you can remember what you did last time!
Some of the new things this block:
HEAVY Goblet Squats!
Sorenson Holds. These will help to build tolerance to spinal extension as well as some endurance (this helps with longer deadlift sets). These make people’s backs feel juicy in a good way!
Farmers Carries - part cardio, part grip strength.
Chin-up negatives for those who want to/feel safe doing them - lat pulldowns (or another suitable replacement) with a lonnnnnng eccentric phase for everybody else.
Copenhagen planks are back. Sorry, but the adductor work + oblique sling strength building is a good compliment to all your heavy squatting & deadlifting.