What Do I Need for My First Atlanta Women's Barbell Club Session?

Woman overhead pressing

By Dena Mellick, Coach, Atlanta Women’s Barbell Club

You got into the AWBC class of your choice, and you are ready to start! What do you need to bring to your first session? We’ve got you covered — keep reading!

Comfortable workout clothes: Wear something that you can move around in and that feels comfortable to you! 

Shoes: Flat shoes are better to lift in over your typical cushioned running shoe, because they provide a better sense of balance. If you have a Vans or a Commerce style flat shoe, bring those to your first session! Eventually you can get a squat shoe, but no need to buy new footwear yet.

Water: Bring a water bottle. Lifting can be intensive and get a little sweaty, and we definitely want you to stay hydrated!

Eat something within two hours of the session! You don’t want to feel full, but you’ll want to feel like you have some energy.

Additional Items Your Coach Will Provide: These two items will come after your initial assessment with your coach, but she will also be sending you a barcode to get into the gym and a TrueCoach app invitation. You’ll definitely want to have the app set up and be logged in for your class sessions.

An open mind: Learning new things can be fun, but it’s also challenging to feel like you are not immediately mastering a new skill right away. Bring an attitude of openness with you – we promise you will feel a lot more confident with a barbell after a few sessions, and it will even start to feel fun!